Brittany Region
  • VIsual Slide National Congress of SFPIO - March 24-26, 2022

SFPIO National Congress - March 24-26, 2022

Against a backdrop of sunny spring weather, the Palais du Grand Large had the pleasure of finally hosting, after two successive postponements, the SFPIO - Société Française de Parodontologie et d'Implantologie Orale (French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology ) National Congress on the theme of Transitions and Innovations.

The 200 participants and the thirty or so partners present were able to enjoy the comfort of our auditorium for two days, the unique panorama offered by our sea view areas and the pleasure of a city where everything is done on foot!

A big thank you to Dr. David Nisand, President of SFPIO, Dr. Patrick Boulange, President of the Congress and Dr. Corinne Lallam, Scientific President of the Congress for their confidence and for having chosen Saint-Malo!


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